Section: New Results

Depth averaged free surface modeling

Participants : Mario Ricchiuto [Corresponding member] , Philippe Bonneton, Andrea Filippini, Stevan Bellec.

We have improved the modeling capabilities of our codes by an efficient implementation of residual based dicretizations of a non-hydrostatic enhanced Boussinesq system [21] . in particular, we have demonstrated how residual based stabilization terms do not pollute the accuracy of the underlying centered discretization, and lead very low dispersion error, while allowing to handle in a stable manner the hyperbolic (hydrostatic) limit. In the framework of the internship of P. Bagicaluppi, this has been used to construct a non-oscillatory model including wave breaking effects (paper in preparation).

In parallel, we have started an in depth study of the improvement of the dispersion operators, which control the position and height of the waves. This has allowed to highlight the existence of new form of weakly nonlinear models [62] . A paper is in preparation.